Unsere Lieblingsprodukte zum Thema
Sensible Haut
Diese Auswahl kann je nach Hautbedürfnis variieren.
Sensitivity and redness
The right care for sensitive, reddened skin and the onset of couperosis
Only about 10 percent of the people actually suffer from the genetically conditioned connective tissue weakness couperosis. However, the symptoms of an incipient couperosis or rosacea - redness, itching, hypersensitive skin and sometimes also inflammations in the face - are known to almost everybody. Causes can be a disturbed skin barrier due to environmental stress, confrontation with extreme cold or heat, an unhealthy lifestyle or even a genetic predisposition to couperose. Our unique UltraCalming™ system with the latest ingredient technology combats the signs of couperose by addressing the root causes of sensitive skin while restoring the balance of the disturbed skin barrier.
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MACH AN UNSEREM HAUT-QUIZ MITSensitivity and redness
The right care for sensitive, reddened skin and the onset of couperosis
Only about 10 percent of the people actually suffer from the genetically conditioned connective tissue weakness couperosis. However, the symptoms of an incipient couperosis or rosacea - redness, itching, hypersensitive skin and sometimes also inflammations in the face - are known to almost everybody. Causes can be a disturbed skin barrier due to environmental stress, confrontation with extreme cold or heat, an unhealthy lifestyle or even a genetic predisposition to couperose. Our unique UltraCalming™ system with the latest ingredient technology combats the signs of couperose by addressing the root causes of sensitive skin while restoring the balance of the disturbed skin barrier.
Die richtige Pflege bei sensibler Haut
Rötungen, Juckreiz, überempfindliche Haut und manchmal auch Entzündungen im Gesicht kennt so gut wie jeder. Unsere Produkte für sensible Haut stellen das Gleichgewicht der gestörten Hautbarriere wieder her.